One Night at the Shelterwood Inn (for Liminal Horror RPG)
Under New Management...
Interrupting a lonely stretch of highway, nestled between towering pines, lies the Shelterwood Inn. To the weary traveler its blazing neon sign promises a restful stay... but a deep darkness hangs beneath the glow. On this rainy night, the fate of two parties intertwine, and both face the darkness: one to survive, the other to control!
One Night at the Shelterwood Inn is a crossover adventure playable in two game systems. With Liminal Horror, players take on the roles of unfortunate souls stranded in a lonely hotel, with something sinister hiding beneath the surface. With Triangle Agency, players take the roles of Field Agents straddling the line between containing a paranormal phenomenon and maintaining cover.
This full-color dual adventure features:
- Pre-generated characters for Liminal Horror and Triangle Agency inspired by Scooby-Doo and many government agency depictions in popular media
- Setup and procedures for both systems
- A creepy hotel with a horrid secret, the Shelterwood Inn can be placed on any stretch of abandoned road the players are traveling one, making it perfect for a one-shot, as spice for an existing campaign, or as the starting location to spin up a new campaign
- An Anomaly from the past to haunt Investigators and Field Agents alike
- And more!
JOSH DOMANSKI / Writing, Layout
JOSHUA CLARK / Illustration
24 pages
Half letter saddle stitched zine
Full color
Includes PDF.
Soon to be available at Iglootree (UK) and All The Problems In This World (EU).

One Night at the Shelterwood Inn (for Liminal Horror RPG)