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Forbidden Psalm Warband Book


Time to muster your forces!

The Forbidden Psalm Warband Book is the ultimate companion to the renowned miniature skirmish game Forbidden Psalm, a book for you to record your warbands’ deeds, misadventures, and deaths, in all their glory and ignominy.


  • 3 complete warband sheets each including five individual character sheets, a loot sheet, a pet sheet, and an upgrade table.
  • Decorated service records allowing you to memorialize fallen warriors, along with what ended them
  • A skirmish notebook, to keep track of the horrors you’ve overcome
  • Quick-reference sheets for game prep, movement and actions rules, States and Properties, and random encounters
  • Fully compatible with Forbidden Psalm and MÖRK BORG
  • And more!

WILL RAHMAN / Writing, Art, Layout
JERT! / Editing
ROZ LEAHY / Proofreading

24 pages
A5 saddle stitched zine
Color cover, B&W interior
Includes PDF

Available soon at Iglootree (UK) and All The Problems In This World (EU).

Forbidden Psalm Warband Book

Forbidden Psalm Warband Book


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